Main Page About RC23 News RC23 NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2021

Sunday, 09 January 2022 23:47


Dear RC23 members,

As President of RC23, I welcome you to the Winter Issue of the RC23 Newsletter! This Issue provides information about our RC23 activity during the IV Sociological Forum of the International Sociological Association (Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 23 – 28, 2021) and fruitful discussion at the Business Meeting.
In this publication, we include also the short report about the XXXVI Session of the S.A. Kugel International School for Sociology of Science and Technology «Social Studies of Science: History and the Present: To the 90th Anniversary of the Participation of the Soviet Delegation in the Second International Congress of the History of Science in London» (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, December 2–3, 2021). RC23 is preparing now for the program of XX World Congress «Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies» (Melbourne, Australia, June 25 – July 1, 2023). ISA’s already published the deadlines program completion.

The winter edition highlights the Special Issue of the Journal of the European Society for the History of Science Global Perspectives on Science Diplomacy and other RC23 member’s activities and call for papers.

We look forward to having an interesting and productive RC23 program at the XX World Congress in Melbourne, Australia (June 25 – July 1, 2023)!
Happy Healthy Prosperous 2022 Year!

Best regards,
Nadia Asheulova

Please upload the pdf version of the Winter Issue of the RC23 Newsletter below

Food Consumption in the City: Practices and Patterns in Urban Asia and the Pacific
R. Sooryamoorthy (2015) Transforming Science in South Africa. Development, Collaboration and Productivity. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mandal, Kasturi; Nadia Asheulova and Sevtlana G. Kirdina (eds.) (2014) 'Socio Economic and Technological Innovations: Mechanism and Institutions', Narosa Publishing House: New Delhi.
The Information Resonance in Social System
Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe
Willie Pearson, Jr., Lisa M. Frehill, Connie L. McNeely (Eds.) (2015). Advancing Women in Science.
Matthias Gross, Rüdiger Mautz (2014) Renewable Energies. Routledge.
K. Prpić, I. van der Weijden and N. Asheulova (Eds.) (2014). (Re)searching Scientific Careers.
Alison G. Anderson (2014). Media, Environment and the Network Society. Palgrave Macmillan.
Norman Blaikie, Jan Priest (2016) Social Research Paradigms in Action
Saskia Sassen (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press/Belknap Book.
J. Jiménez (Ed.,with the collaboration of J. C. Escalante) (2009). Participation and Development. The Mexico of the Future. In honor to Russell L. Ackoff in his 87th Anniversary (2009) Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems, National Autono
Open Science, open issues Ciência aberta, questões abertas