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Works about R.K. Merton


Adriana MicaArkadiusz PeisertJan Winczorek. Sociology and the unintended : Robert Merton revisited. – Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang, 2011.



Craig J Calhoun. Robert K. Merton : sociology of science and sociology as science. – New York : Columbia University Press, 2010. – 320 p.



Crothers С. Robert K. Merton. – Chichester [Sussex, England] : E. Horwood ; London ; New York : Tavistock Publications, 1987. – 176 p.



Howard R Vane; Chris Mulhearn. Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe, Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes. – Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 2009. – 575 p.



Jon Clark, Ph. D.; Celia Modgil; Sohan Modgil. Robert K. Merton : consensus and controversy. – London ; New York : Falmer Press,1990. – 527 p.



Lewis A. Coser. The Idea of Social Structure: Papers in Honor of Robert K. Merton. – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. – 547 p.



Sztompka P. Robert K.Merton: an Intellectual Profile. – Macmillan, 1986. – 324 p.



Yehuda Elkana; András Szigeti; György Lissauer. Concepts and the social order : Robert K. Merton and the future of sociology. – Budapest, Hungary ; New York, N.Y. : Central European University Press, 2011. – 237 p.



Alex Hamilton Chan. Merton, Robert C. // Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance. – 2010



Becker G. Pietism and Science: A Critique of Robert K. Merton's Hypothesis // American Journal of Sociology. –  Mar., 1984. –  Vol. 89, No. 5. – pp.1065-1090



Becker G. The Fallacy of the Received Word: A Reexamination of Merton's Pietism-Science Thesis // American Journal of Sociology. –  Mar., 1986. –  Vol. 91, No. 5. – pp.1203-1218



Bryan S. Turner. The anatomy lesson: a note on the Merton thesis // The Sociological Review. – February 1990. – Vol. 38, Issue 1.– pp.1-18



Charles C. Fischer. Bell, Merton and Mills as Veblen Critics: A Comment // American Journal of Economics and Sociology. – July 1989. – Vol. 48, Issue 3. – pp.321-322



Charles V. Willie. On Merton's "Insiders and Outsiders" // American Journal of Sociology. –  Mar., 1973. –  Vol. 78, No. 5. – pp.1269-1272



Citation Data As Science Indicators by E. Garfield, M. V. Malin, H. Small.
Reprinted from: Toward a Metric of Science: The Advent of Science Indicators.
Eds. Y. Elkana, J. Lederberg, R.K. Merton, A. Thackray and H. Zuckerman, J. Wiley & Sons, NY. 1978



Eugene Garfield. CITATION MEASURES OF THE INFLUENCE OF ROBERT K. MERTON // Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. – April 1980. – Vol. 39, Issue 1. Series II – pp.61-74



Garfield E. "Citation Measures of the Influence of Robert K. Merton. Part 1." 
Reprinted from:Gieryn TL, ed. Science and Social Structure:  a Festschrift  for Robert K Merton
New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1980. p, 61-74, 
Reprinted in Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:6, p.314, 1983.



Garfield E. "Citation Measures of the Influence of Robert K. Merton, Part 2" 
Reprinted from:Gieryn TL, ed. Science and Social Structure:  a Festschrift  for Robert K Merton
New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1980. p, 61-74, 
Reprinted in  Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:6, p.321, 1983



Garfield E. "Robert K. Merton -- Author and Editor Extraordinaire. Part 1." 
Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:6, p.312-318, 1983 Current Contents, #39, p. 5-11, September 26, 1983



Garfield E. "Robert K. Merton -- Author and Editor Extraordinaire. Part 2." 
Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:6, p.319-329, 1983     Current Contents, #40, p.5-15, October 3, 1983



Garfield E. "Robert K. Merton: Among the Giants" 
Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:3, p.176-178, 1977-78     Current Contents, #28, p.5-8, July 11, 1977



Garfield E. "Science Historian I.B. Cohen Reviews Social Studies of Science by Sociologist Bernard Barber" 
Essays of an Information Scientist: Of Nobel Class, Women in Science, Citation Classics, and other Essays, Vol:15, p.28, 1992-93 
Current Contents, #9, p.3-9, March 2, 1992



Garfield E. "Social Science Quotations - A New Volume of a Famous Encyclopedia Edited by David L. Sills and Robert K. Merton" 
Essays of an Information Scientist: Science Reviews, Journalism Inventiveness and Other Essays, Vol:14, p.91, 1991 
Current Contents, #23, p.5-10, June 10, 1991



Garfield E. "Social Science Quotations by David L. Sills and Robert K. Merton: Revisiting the New Paperback Edition" 
Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:15, p.166, 1992-93,  Current Contents #43, October 26, 1992



Garfield  E. "A Tribute to Robert K. Merton on receiving the National Medal of Science" 
The Scientist 8[20]:13, Oct. 17, 1994



Garfield  E. "The Anomie-Deviant Behavior Connection: The theories of Durkheim, Merton, and Srole" 
Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:10, p.272, 1987 Current Contents, #39, p.3, September 28, 



Gerald Holton. Robert K. Merton, 4 July 1910 • 23 February 2003 // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. – Dec., 2004. –  Vol. 148, No. 4. – pp. 505-517



Guillermina Jasso. Some of Robert K. Merton's Contributions to Justice Theory // Sociological Theory. – July 2000. – Vol. 18, Issue 2.– pp.331-339



James W. Carroll. Merton's Thesis on English Science // American Journal of Economics and Sociology. – July 1954. – Vol. 13, Issue 4. – p.427



Lawrence T. Nichols. Merton as Harvard sociologist: Engagement, thematic continuities, and institutional linkages // Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. – Winter 2010. – Vol. 46, Issue 1. – pp.72-95



Richard Featherstone and Mathieu Deflem. Anomie and Strain: Context and Consequences of Merton's Two Theories // Sociological Inquiry. – November 2003. – Vol. 73, Issue 4. – pp.471-489



Richard Rosenfeld. Robert Merton's Contributions to the Sociology of Deviance // Sociological Inquiry. – October 1989. – Vol. 59, Issue 4. – pp.453-466



Rick Tilman and J. L. Simich. On the Use and Abuse of Thorstein Veblen in Modern American Sociology, II:Daniel Bell and the ‘Utopianizing’ of Veblen's Contribution and Its Integration by Robert Merton and C. W. Mills // American Journal of Economics and Sociology. – January 1984. – Vol. 43, Issue 1. – pp. 103-114



SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Special issue on the 100th anniversary of Robert K. Merton`s birth. – 2010. – Volume 1 Number 4.



Stephen M. Schaefer. Robert Merton, Myron Scholes and the Development of Derivative Pricing // The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. – June 1998. – Vol. 100, Issue 2.– pp.425-445



Terry Marsh and Takao Kobayashi. The Contributions of Professors Fischer Black, Robert Merton and Myron Scholes to the Financial Services Industry // International Review of Finance. – December 2000. – Vol. 1, Issue 4.– pp.295-315



William Simon, John H. Gagnon. The Anomie of Affluence: A Post-Mertonian Conception // American Journal of Sociology. –  Sep., 1976. –  Vol. 82, No. 2. – pp.356-378



Nadia Asheulova, Jaime Jiménez. Celebrating Robert K. Merton. Global Dialogue (the electronic newsletter of the ISA). Volume 1, Issue 5, 2010


Jennifer Platt. Robert Merton and British sociology. University of Sussex, England


Charles Homer Haskins. A Life of Learning by Robert K.Merton. Lecture for 1994 // ACLS Occasional paper. № 25.



Social Studies of Science. 2004. December. 34 (6).



Papers of Robert K. Merton, Pioneer // American Sociology. Donated to Columbia’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library in Columbia University Libraries.


Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science (2010) / ed. by Craig Calhoun. Columbia University Press/SSRC.



Эффект Матфея в науке II. Совокупное преимущество и символичность интеллектуальной собственности // Введение в социологию науки. Часть II. СПб.: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского университета экономии и финансов, 1992. С. 3–21.



Linda Lubrano. Building research agendas in the 1970s: Reflections on Robert K. Merton (2011) Sociology of Science and Technology, Vol.2. Issue 3, 10-13 p.

Robert K. Merton at 100: Reflections & Recollections


Robert K. Merton at 100: Reflections & Recollections Columbia University

Saskia Sassen (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press/Belknap Book.
Alison G. Anderson (2014). Media, Environment and the Network Society. Palgrave Macmillan.
J. Jiménez (Ed.,with the collaboration of J. C. Escalante) (2009). Participation and Development. The Mexico of the Future. In honor to Russell L. Ackoff in his 87th Anniversary (2009) Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems, National Autono
Norman Blaikie, Jan Priest (2016) Social Research Paradigms in Action
Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe
The Information Resonance in Social System
Matthias Gross, Rüdiger Mautz (2014) Renewable Energies. Routledge.
K. Prpić, I. van der Weijden and N. Asheulova (Eds.) (2014). (Re)searching Scientific Careers.
Open Science, open issues Ciência aberta, questões abertas
Food Consumption in the City: Practices and Patterns in Urban Asia and the Pacific
Willie Pearson, Jr., Lisa M. Frehill, Connie L. McNeely (Eds.) (2015). Advancing Women in Science.
R. Sooryamoorthy (2015) Transforming Science in South Africa. Development, Collaboration and Productivity. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mandal, Kasturi; Nadia Asheulova and Sevtlana G. Kirdina (eds.) (2014) 'Socio Economic and Technological Innovations: Mechanism and Institutions', Narosa Publishing House: New Delhi.