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Archive of Events
25 January, 2015
IV Sociological Forum of the International Sociological Association XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Third ISA Forum of Sociology   XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology Please find the Program of RC23 Please find the book of Abstracts   Second ISA Forum of Sociology XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology First ISA Forum of Sociology Sociological Research and Public Debate Barcelona, Spain, 2008   XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology The Quality of Social Existence…

Current Activity
25 January, 2015
  Deadlines for the XX World Congress «Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies» program completion March 7, 2022 24:00 GMT Announcing Program Coordinators: RC/WG/TG provide name and contact details of Program Coordinator to the ISA Secretariat This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it May 10, 2022 24:00 GMT Submission of proposals to the ISA Secretariat This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for: Integrative Sessions which involve at least 3 Research Committees, 3 National Associations or a combination of the two…

K. Prpić, I. van der Weijden and N. Asheulova (Eds.) (2014). (Re)searching Scientific Careers.
R. Sooryamoorthy (2015) Transforming Science in South Africa. Development, Collaboration and Productivity. Palgrave Macmillan.
J. Jiménez (Ed.,with the collaboration of J. C. Escalante) (2009). Participation and Development. The Mexico of the Future. In honor to Russell L. Ackoff in his 87th Anniversary (2009) Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems, National Autono
Willie Pearson, Jr., Lisa M. Frehill, Connie L. McNeely (Eds.) (2015). Advancing Women in Science.
Mandal, Kasturi; Nadia Asheulova and Sevtlana G. Kirdina (eds.) (2014) 'Socio Economic and Technological Innovations: Mechanism and Institutions', Narosa Publishing House: New Delhi.
Food Consumption in the City: Practices and Patterns in Urban Asia and the Pacific
Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe
The Information Resonance in Social System
Alison G. Anderson (2014). Media, Environment and the Network Society. Palgrave Macmillan.
Saskia Sassen (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press/Belknap Book.
Norman Blaikie, Jan Priest (2016) Social Research Paradigms in Action
Open Science, open issues Ciência aberta, questões abertas
Matthias Gross, Rüdiger Mautz (2014) Renewable Energies. Routledge.