Dear RC23 members,
As President of RC23, I welcome you to the Summer Issue of the RC23 Newsletter!
In this publication, in addition to the traditional sections, we included a special interview with Alice Abreu, our Vice President, about science and technology in Brazil. As everyone has been following, the situation in Brazil, the site of our next ISA Forum, has drawn world wide attention due to political crises, and the impacts suffered by the country's science and technology system. In this interview, Alice presents the main characteristics of the Brazilian S&T system, highlighting the current challenges.
A second article, written by Prof. Dr. Martin Reinhart, presents information about the opening ceremony of The Robert Merton Center for Science Studies of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The Center was opened on 11 September 2019.
As a RC23 President, I visited the new interdisciplinary academic center on 7 October, 2019 and discussed with the main organizer of the centre, Prof. Dr. Martin Reinhart, the future fruitful cooperation in our study “The Role of the International Sociological Association for Boosting Academic Career and Building Global Networks” in 2020-2022.
This issue also provides information about RC23 members activities and publications.
The ISA Executive Committee has decided to postpone the IV ISA Forum of Sociology in Porto Alegre until February 23-27, 2021.
All activities that were prepared will be maintained and the abstracts selected for the Forum in July 2020 remain valid for the Forum in February 2021. We have set a new calendar that allows Research Committees and Working and Thematic Groups to update and re-open some of their panels. The following are the dates for the new call for abstracts..
October 16-25, 2020: RC/WG/TG publish calls for new abstracts
October 26 – November 12, 2020: Submission of new abstracts via online platform
December 15, 2020: Presenters final registration deadline
We look forward to having a strong presence at the IV ISA Forum Sociology (February 23-27, 2021) to be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Best regards,
Nadia Asheulova
Please upload the pdf version of the Summer Issue of the RC23 Newsletter below.
- RC23_Newsletter_June2020_.pdf (485 Downloads)